The group held its Fall R&R event for its members and guests to engage in an evening of cheer and camaraderie. The event was fun-filled with good food, a live music ensemble, along with a silent auction, raffle and memorial wall paver brick offering all designed to help the GLVFA to raise money in support of the Memorial Wall project.
Michelle Keaton, VA Health Care coordinator, hosted a informal VA Health Fair at this month's meeting. There were various VA health care specialists on hand who manned tables setup to present health care services offered by the VA health care system. These specialists provided one on one information on VA health care services including home health care, whole health, mental health, well care, and more. Overall, the meeting was very productive and helpful to all. Additionally, Cori Lombardo provided a quick presentation on her ability to provide assistance regarding VA programs in her new role (in additional to her other roles!) as a newly trained Veteran Resource Advisor. Members can call upon Cori to help provide information regarding processes involved in various VA administration programs. Further information regarding what Cori can assist on regarding being a VRA will be posted here on the GLVFA website soon. |
January 2025
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