On Friday Apr 5th, 2024, 0900-1200, GLVFA hosted its first annual GlenLakes Community Shredding event. GLVFA members volunteered their time and energy to direct traffic, answer questions, accept donations, and most importantly, retrieved boxes (and boxes, and even more boxes....) from residents automobiles and golf carts to hand over to the Shred-IT truck operator to relieve our residents of literally tons of old paper documents.
Mar 2, 2024: GLVFA held its annual member/sponsor appreciation night at the GlenLakes Country Club Ballroom. Many of our organization sponsors were in attendance alongside numerous members. In addition to having an enjoyable evening of comradeship, food and drink.
Special Guest Speaker
Congressman Gus Bilirakis
Congressman Gus Bilirakis
Special Guest Speaker: The Honorable Congressman Gus Bilirakis, Florida 12th District Representative, honored our organization by attending our Appreciation Day event.
GLVFA presented grant awards to the following recipients:
Baldomaro Lopez Veterans Nursing Home
DAV Chapter 67
American Legion Post #186
Polish League #196
Marine Corps League
FW Springstead HS JROTC
Veterans Depot
Veterans HEAT Factory
Baldomaro Lopez Veterans Nursing Home
DAV Chapter 67
American Legion Post #186
Polish League #196
Marine Corps League
FW Springstead HS JROTC
Veterans Depot
Veterans HEAT Factory
GLVFA leadership recognized members who have gone "above and beyond" in their efforts to support the organization. The following members were recognized:
Denny Blum
Wayne Millington
Mike Cummings
Dicky Keane
Cori Lombardo
Mike Fulford
GLVFA appreciation plaques were presented to each of these members for their unwavering commitment to the organization and its members.
Denny Blum
Wayne Millington
Mike Cummings
Dicky Keane
Cori Lombardo
Mike Fulford
GLVFA appreciation plaques were presented to each of these members for their unwavering commitment to the organization and its members.
GLVFA honored Christain and Tabitha Lugo of Lugo's Stone Works (rt 19, Spring Hill, FL) for their fantastic contributions in helping our veteran's memorial become a complete experience! The Lugo's donated the beautiful granite benches seen at the memorial, of which all members of the organization are grateful for. Lugo's are also in the process of creating new granite planters for the memorial which they are also donating.
GLVFA Appreciation Day Photos