Contact Us

You may contact us with any questions or requests by using the contact form below. It's an easy way for you to notify us of your interest in joining us. To learn more about the organization, please review our GLVFA member's welcome packet by clicking here or clicking on the picture.
If you are a new visitor to this website, a pop-up window should appear if you scroll to the bottom of this page which will offer you an opportunity to be added to our members mail-out option, which then updates you regarding upcoming events such as monthly meetings, guest speakers, as well as information on our annual Nature Coast Veterans Day Golf Event.
You can always reach us using your own email by clicking on the mail link here: [email protected]
** NOTE ** If you are seeking assistance with VA disability claims or healthcare needs, please contact the VA directly (VA Benefits Hotline: 800-827-1000) or consult with a national veteran's organization that typically has a VA administration authorized veteran services officer (VSO) who can assist you with direct VA inquiries on your behalf (such as the local DAV, VFW, and American Legion). GLVFA is a private organization (located in our gated GlenLakes HOA community) that serves its homeowner residents and is not a veteran service agency, not affiliated with the Veterans Administration, and not affiliated with the VA Health Care system.
If you are a new visitor to this website, a pop-up window should appear if you scroll to the bottom of this page which will offer you an opportunity to be added to our members mail-out option, which then updates you regarding upcoming events such as monthly meetings, guest speakers, as well as information on our annual Nature Coast Veterans Day Golf Event.
You can always reach us using your own email by clicking on the mail link here: [email protected]
** NOTE ** If you are seeking assistance with VA disability claims or healthcare needs, please contact the VA directly (VA Benefits Hotline: 800-827-1000) or consult with a national veteran's organization that typically has a VA administration authorized veteran services officer (VSO) who can assist you with direct VA inquiries on your behalf (such as the local DAV, VFW, and American Legion). GLVFA is a private organization (located in our gated GlenLakes HOA community) that serves its homeowner residents and is not a veteran service agency, not affiliated with the Veterans Administration, and not affiliated with the VA Health Care system.